Dental Health

Blog posts by Solihull Dental Centre and Implant Clinic relating to dental health

When Do Baby Teeth Fall Out and Adult Teeth Come In?

When Do Baby Teeth Fall Out and Adult Teeth Come In?

If you have just been blessed with a baby, you might be wondering when they will grow their first tooth. The appearance of the first milk tooth is a huge milestone for many parents. Once the first tooth comes in, others start to follow, and in a matter of a few months, your child’s mouth will be full of pearly whites. But have you ever wondered about when baby teeth fall out and adult teeth come in? More importantly, why is it important to keep track of your child’s tooth eruption schedule?

If you are a new parent and you’re looking for answers to these questions, then we have got you covered. Read this blog till the end to learn everything you need to know about baby teeth eruption schedule. 

Which Teeth Fall Out?

The first set of teeth your child grows is called the milk teeth, or the primary teeth. These are also called deciduous teeth, implying that they are temporary and will be replaced with their permanent successors. Therefore, humans have two sets of teeth; the primary or the milk teeth, and the permanent or the secondary teeth. 

Your child will grow their first milk tooth at the age of 5 months (± 2 months), which are typically the central incisors (front) in the lower jaw. These are followed by the central incisors in the upper jaw. Afterwards, kids typically grow their lateral incisors around 8 – 12 months of age, which are adjacent to the central incisors (1 on each side of the jaw). After the central and incisors, primary first molar teeth typically erupt in the upper jaw (13 – 19 months), followed by lower first molars (14 – 18 months). These are followed by the upper canines (16 – 22 months) and the lower canines (17 – 23 months), and finally, the lower second molars (23 – 31 months), and the upper second molar teeth (25 – 33 months). 

At What Age Do Kids’ Teeth Fall Out?

Milk teeth in children typically begin to fall off around the age of 6 – 7 years and continue up to 10 – 12 years. Once a milk tooth is lost, it is replaced by its permanent counterpart. Hence, between the ages of 6 and 12, kids have both milk and permanent teeth. This type of dentition, where both the primary and permanent teeth exist in the mouth is called a mixed dentition. 

Do Babies Already Have Adult Teeth Waiting?

This is one of the most frequently asked questions by new parents. The answer to this question is yes. Your child’s permanent teeth are already developed and waiting beneath the milk teeth to erupt when the time comes. For example, once a milk tooth is lost, its permanent counterpart, which is residing below the tooth inside the jaw, begins to erupt and gradually comes into the jaw. In this way, each lost milk tooth is replaced with its permanent successor.  

How Many Milk Teeth A Human Has That Will Be Replaced?

Babies have a set of 20 milk teeth in their jaws, 10 in the upper and 10 in the lower jaw. These teeth will ultimately be replaced with the permanent ones. However, the number of permanent teeth is greater than that of milk teeth. Typically, humans have a set of 32 teeth in their mouths (16 in each jaw). This is because there are a few additional teeth in the permanent dentition, namely the first and second premolars (behind the canines and in front of the first molars) and the third molars (the wisdom teeth). 

Is It A Problem If Milk Teeth Don’t Fall Out By 7 Years?

Typically, kids start to lose their milk teeth between the ages of 6 and 7 years. However, this shedding pattern is not always followed. Sometimes, milk teeth may begin to fall off even after 7 years of age. So, a delay of about 6 months from the schedule is nothing to be worried about. However, if the milk teeth fail to fall off after this time, the parents should visit their child’s dentist for a detailed clinical examination. 

Is It Normal To Still Be Losing Teeth At 12?

It is normal for kids to be losing their milk teeth at the age of 12. According to Healthline, kids often lose their last milk tooth at 12. So, if your child is losing their milk teeth at 12 or 13, it is normal and nothing to be worried about. 

Are Your Premolars Supposed To Fall Out?

According to the American Dental Association, premolar teeth erupt during the permanent dentition. These teeth typically appear in the oral cavity between the ages of 10 and 12. Since premolar teeth are permanent, they are not supposed to fall out and they won’t be replaced with another tooth if they are lost. So, if someone loses one of their premolar teeth, the only option to replace them is through an artificial tooth such as an implant-supported prosthesis or a denture. 

What Should I Do If My Child Knocks Out A Permanent Tooth?

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, a knocked-out permanent tooth should be preserved as it can be re-implanted back into the jaw in some cases. Hold the knocked-out tooth by its crown (the chewing surface) and gently clean it with water. Afterwards, try to gently reinsert the tooth into its socket. If that is not possible, preserve the tooth in milk or a tooth-preserving medium and visit your dentist immediately. If no storage medium is available, you can also keep the tooth inside your child’s cheek as saliva is also a good storage medium for the teeth. In most cases, knocked-out teeth can be saved if treatment is sought timely. However, if the tooth cannot be saved, your dentist will replace it with an implant-supported prosthesis

If you wish to know more about the eruption schedule of the primary and permanent teeth, or how to look after your child’s dental health, Solihull Dental Centre and Implant Clinic is your best option if you live in West Midlands. We have the best dentists in town to look after your child’s dental health, making sure that they remain healthy and smiling. So, book an appointment today and let us take care of your baby’s pearly whites.  

Beyond Dental Bridges - Are Implants The Right Choice For You

Beyond Dental Bridges – Are Implants The Right Choice For You?

When we talk about replacing missing teeth, the conventionally used options are removable dentures and teeth bridges. While these options have been used for many years to replace missing teeth, they have drawbacks. For example, removable dentures do not completely restore one’s ability to chew food and are prone to staining and fracture. Similarly, tooth bridges require the removal of healthy tooth structure from the supporting teeth for their attachment. More importantly, both these options had a limited service lifetime. 

But, thanks to modern dentistry, a newer tooth replacement option is available, which is not only highly durable but also restores one’s chewing and speech efficiency, giving them a naturally beautiful smile. So say hello to dental implants!

Which Is Better, A Dental Bridge, Dental Implant, Or A Gap?

Let us consider what will happen if we don’t replace a missing tooth. As soon as a tooth is lost, the bone around it starts to degrade very fast, resulting in changes in one’s facial appearance. Secondly, the opposing tooth and the teeth adjacent to the missing tooth begin to creep into the gap, resulting in spacing between the teeth and misalignment. So, leaving a missing tooth unreplaced is not a good idea.

Now, let us discuss which is better; a bridge or dental implant. A bridge is a fixed prosthesis that rests on adjacent supporting teeth and fills the vacant gap using dental crowns. So, dental bridges require natural tooth removal. On the other hand, dental implants are embedded directly within the jawbone, just like natural teeth. As a result, they remain firmly anchored and support the prosthesis – such as a crown, denture, or bridge – that is attached to them. Furthermore, an implant is highly durable and safe for use in the oral cavity. In fact, an implant can last for a lifetime if it is looked after properly, So dental implants are better than bridges when it comes to tooth replacement. 

When Would You Chose A Dental Implant Or A Bridge?

The latter should always be preferred when choosing between dental implants and teeth bridges. Why, because dental implants offer lifelike aesthetics, are durable, and restore one’s ability to eat and speak without difficulty. The only case when dental implants may not be suitable is when one is suffering from bone disease or has recently undergone cancer radiation therapy. 

How Permanent Are Dental Bridges?

Like other dental prostheses, dental bridges have a limited lifespan. According to the Cleveland Clinic, the average life of teeth bridges is about 5 years. However, their life can be enhanced significantly if they are looked after properly through oral hygiene maintenance and regular dental checkup visits

Can You Replace An Old Dental Bridge With An Implant?

Yes, it is possible to replace a bridge with an implant-supported prosthesis. However, the implant will only replace the missing tooth. But, the tooth structure removed from the healthy supporting teeth will need to be restored with a filling, with or without a crown. To fill the gap created by the missing tooth, your dentist will insert an implant that supports a zirconia crown.  

Which Is Better, An Implant Or A Bridge If You Have Poor Gums?

Neither an implant nor a bridge is suitable for tooth replacement when there is underlying gum inflammation. In fact, dentists do not perform any treatment in the presence of gum disease. Instead, they will first treat the periodontal disease with oral hygiene instructions and professional teeth cleaning and only then proceed with tooth replacement with a bridge or an implant-supported prosthesis. 

Are Implants Better Or A Bridge For A Molar Replacement?

Molars are our back teeth that are used for grinding. These teeth receive very heavy biting forces. Hence, your dentist will use a sufficiently strong and durable prosthesis to replace a missing molar tooth. Therefore, the best option to replace a back tooth is an implant-supported zirconia crown and not a bridge. Why? First, bridges need healthy tooth removal from the supporting teeth. Secondly, bridges are not as strong or durable as dental implants. So, implants are a better option for replacing molar teeth. 

Can Dental Implants Cause Gum Disease?

Dental implants are made of high-quality titanium, highly durable, safe, and non-allergic. However, dental implants require the same oral hygiene care as one’s own teeth. If oral hygiene around dental implants is ignored, food impaction tends to occur around the implant-oral soft tissue margin, leading to an inflammatory condition called peri-implantitis. Such a condition can even lead to implant failure. Hence, optimal oral hygiene must be maintained around implants to avoid soft tissue inflammation. 

Can You Get Dental Implants If Your Gums Are Infected?

It is not advisable to get dental implants with underlying gum disease. This is because gum disease causes the bones to degrade. As a result, they cannot anchor the implant and its prosthesis, leading to implant failure. The best practice is to treat gum disease first and then proceed with implant therapy. 

Can Food Particles Get Lodged Between Implants And The Gums?

If oral hygiene maintenance is ignored, there are chances that food particles may get trapped between the implant and the oral soft tissues, causing inflammation. Therefore, oral hygiene around implants must be maintained through brushing, flossing, and regular dental checkup visits

Is There Any Age Factor For Dental Implant Treatment?

Dental implants are generally placed in patients who have already grown all their permanent teeth, and their pubertal growth spurt is over. Apart from that, there is no upper age limit for getting implants. So you could get your missing teeth replaced with dental implants in your 80s or 90s, provided you’re in good health. 

Are you fed up with your uncomfortable dentures or teeth bridges? If yes, it is time to say goodbye to them and say hello to a beautiful and lasting smile with dental implants. If you live in Solihull, Solihull Dental Centre and Implant Centre is your best option to get your teeth replaced with dental implants. So, book an appointment with us today and let us give you a smile you genuinely deserve. 

Dental Hygiene Appointments - Everything You Need To Know

Dental Hygiene Appointments – Everything You Need To Know

Have you ever wondered why dental professionals emphasise oral hygiene maintenance and regular checkup appointments? This is because good oral health is not just essential for having a beautiful smile but also for keeping us healthy and fit physically. Unfortunately, the Oral Health Foundation estimates that over 39% of adults in the UK don’t visit their dentist regularly. As a result, around 30% of British adults have tooth decay, while 64% of them have visible plaque and tartar deposits on their teeth. These problems mainly occur due to oral hygiene neglect and failure to visit a dentist for regular checkups. This blog will discuss the importance of regular hygiene appointments and how they can help you remain healthy, active, and physically fit. 

Why Do We Need Regular Dental Visits?

Our oral cavity serves as a gateway to our entire body. Anything we eat or drink passes through the mouth first and then to the other body organs. So, if there is an underlying infection in the mouth, the harmful bacteria from the mouth can travel through the food to other body systems and cause severe, even life-threatening medical conditions. Although optimal oral hygiene helps prevent dental infections, sometimes it is not sufficient alone. 

When you visit your dentist for regular hygiene checkups, they can detect dental problems in their developing stages, even when they are not visible to the naked eye. Besides, they can also detect parafunctional dental habits such as nail-biting, teeth clenching, or tongue thrusting and educate the patients regarding their harmful effects. So, regular hygiene visits can help you prevent dental problems and remain healthy physically. 

What Does The Dentist/Hygienist Do At A Teeth Cleaning?

During professional teeth cleaning, your dentist will remove plaque and tartar deposits from your teeth – which are the primary reasons behind gum inflammation and teeth cavities in the oral cavity. Your dentist will use an ultrasonic scaler, a device whose tip vibrates at very high frequencies and physically breaks away the plaque and calculus deposits from the tooth surface and below the gumline. This helps neutralise the harmful bacteria in the plaque deposits, thereby preventing gum disease.  

What Is Involved In A Dental Cleaning?

Professional dental cleaning is a simple procedure.

  1. First, your dentist will apply a topical anaesthetic agent over the gums to make you comfortable and pain-free.
  2. Next, they will use an ultrasonic scaler to remove the plaque and tartar deposit from all the surfaces of your teeth.
  3. They will also go below the gum line to remove tartar from the tooth roots.
  4. After completing the procedure, your dentist may prescribe over-the-counter pain medication to subside the post-operative inflammation and discomfort. 

Why Do Dentists Check Your Tongue?

The colour and texture of our tongue speak volumes about our oral and physical health. For example, the tongue’s colour changes when one suffers from various oral and systemic infections. Similarly, white coats on the tongue may indicate an immune-related disease or tumours. That is why dentists check every patient’s tongue during a routine clinical examination to ensure no underlying or developing problems. 

Do You Brush Your Teeth Before Having Your Teeth Cleaned?

It is not uncommon to have slight gum swelling, pain, and discomfort after professional teeth cleaning. However, this should not stop you from brushing and flossing. In fact, dentists recommend that you continue brushing your teeth, usually after teeth cleaning. However, to reduce the discomfort, you should use a soft-bristled toothbrush and use very gentle pressure while brushing to minimise the discomfort. 

How Do You Address Your Dental Hygiene?

Looking after your dental hygiene does not require extensive work. All you need to do is brush your teeth at least a day and floss at least once daily. However, what is more, important than the frequency of brushing and flossing is using the correct brushing technique. Another way to look after your oral health is to eat a tooth-friendly diet comprising green vegetables and fibrous fruits and avoid carbohydrate- and sugar-rich foods. That’s all it takes to enjoy a fresh breath and a healthy, beautiful smile. 

Are Dentists Trained To Do Hygienist Work?

Yes, dentists are trained in dental school to provide dental hygiene treatment. However, they generally focus on more specialised work such as cosmetic, restorative, and orthodontic treatment and delegate the preventive dental work to dental hygienists. Dental hygienists are professionals who are trained to provide preventive treatment such as teeth cleaning, making dental impressions, and fluoride therapy. So, it is ok to get your teeth cleaning done by a dentist or a trained dental hygienist.  

What Kind Of Tools Do Dental Hygienists Use?

Dental hygienists use a variety of tools to perform teeth cleaning.

  • For example, they use different hand scalers, which are metallic instruments used to remove plaque and tartar deposits manually.
  • They also have probes that measure the depth of pockets formed between the teeth and gums due to gum inflammation.
  • Finally, they also use ultrasonic scalers that mechanically remove plaque and tartar deposits. 

Are Dental Hygienist Appointments Worth It?

At every dental hygiene appointment, your hygienist will perform a thorough clinical examination and diagnose any underlying problems. They will detect and treat issues during their initial stages – long before they cause permanent damage to your teeth or cause more significant oral health problems. Therefore, dental hygiene visits are worth it as they save you from spending enormous time and money on dental treatment for avoidable dental issues. 

Did you know that our oral health status can directly influence our physical health and well-being? That is why dentists worldwide recommend their patients visit them for preventive checkups to enjoy a healthy smile and perfect physical health. So, if you are looking for a good dentist in West Midlands for preventive treatment, look no more! Solihull Dental Centre and Implant Clinic offer all dental services for your entire family under one roof at affordable rates. So, request a new patient appointment with us and let us take good care of your whole family’s dental health.  

Dental Cleaning - Everything You Need To Know

Dental Cleaning – Everything You Need To Know

Do you want to enjoy pearly white teeth without the need for professional teeth whitening? An essential requirement for having sparkling white, beautiful teeth is to keep them clean through regular brushing and flossing. However, in some, cases despite maintaining optimal oral hygiene, dental problems still develop. This is where professional dental cleaning – also known as professional teeth cleaning – comes in. 

According to the American Academy of Periodontology, deep cleaning, also known as scaling and root planning or professional teeth cleaning, is a procedure in which your dentist will remove plaque and tartar deposits from your teeth. This is done to treat inflammation of the gums and the underlying jawbone. 

If your dentist has recommended deep cleaning your teeth and are not sure what this procedure involves, this article is for you. Continue reading to find out everything you need to know about professional teeth cleaning. 

Why Is Dental Deep Cleaning Necessary?

Despite meticulous oral hygiene care through brushing and flossing, a thin layer of food debris can form on our teeth known as dental plaque, especially in the tight spaces between the teeth where the bristles of a toothbrush cannot reach.

Over time, this plaque hardens to become the calculus. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, bacteria utilise the sugars inside plaque and tartar and release harmful products that cause gum inflammation and teeth cavities. The harmful bacteria inside the plaque can also enter the bloodstream to cause infection in other body organs – some of which may prove life-threatening. 

The simplest solution to this problem is professional cleaning. During a routine dental checkup, your dentist will thoroughly examine your teeth and gums for signs of underlying gum inflammation. If they find inflamed, bleeding and swollen gums along with plaque and tartar deposits. 

Can You Get Gum Infection After Deep Cleaning?

Your dentist, hygienist or periodontal specialist will perform deep cleaning to minimize the chances of development of gum inflammation. A deep cleaning procedure removes plaque and tartar deposits from the teeth and below the gumline, thereby getting rid of the bacteria that cause disease.

Therefore, the chances of development of gum infection immediately after teeth cleaning are very low. However, the infection can reappear if you do not look after your oral hygiene, which results in the re-attachment of plaque deposits on the teeth. 

Is It Painful To Get A Deep Cleaning At The Dentist?

During deep cleaning, your dentist will use an ultrasonic scaler, whose tip vibrates at a very high frequency to remove the plaque and tartar deposits. Most people feel a slight sensation of vibration during professional cleaning. However, people having sore or tender gums may feel some pain or discomfort. To prevent this, your dentist will apply cotton soaked in a local anaesthetic to make them pain-free. Therefore, the simple answer is – no, you won’t feel any pain during the teeth cleaning procedure. 

Why Is A Teeth Cleaning Often Painful?

Most people a feel a sense of pressure on their teeth during professional cleaning, which they often confuse with pain. However, in cases where your dentist has to go below the gumline to remove the plaque and tartar deposits, you may feel pain. Periodontists prevent this situation by making the gums numb with a local anaesthetic. 

What Does The Dentist Or Hygienist Do At The Appointment?

During your appointment, your dentist or dental hygienist will use various specialised equipment to remove plaque and tartar. First, they will numb your gums. Afterwards, they will use an ultrasonic scaler to remove the adherent deposits.

You may experience bleeding from your gums during, whcih is nothing to worry about. Also, your teeth may become sensitive for a few days, and may bleed spontaneously, which is also normal. This sensitivity, swelling, and bleeding will go away in a few days as your gums and the underlying jawbone begin to heal. 

How To Have Healthy Teeth Naturally?

As discussed earlier, the secret to having naturally healthy, sparkling white teeth and pink gums, is optimal oral hygiene maintenance. All you need to is to brush your teeth regularly with fluoride toothpaste, floss at least once a day, and visit your dentist regularly for checkups.

If you can do this, you won’t have to worry about any dental problem anymore. Not only will you enjoy excellent oral and physical helath, but you will also be a proud owner of a naturally beautiful and attractive smile. 

Tips For Healthy Teeth And Gums

Clean teeth are healthy teeth. Here are few tips that can help you maintain healthy teeth and gums:

  1. Brush using a fluoride containing toothpaste 
  2. Use dental floss or Waterpik to remove interdental plaque 
  3. Use fluoride-containing mouthwash for added benefit 
  4. Eat a tooth-friendly diet and avoid foods containing carbohydrates and processed sugars
  5. Avoid parafunctional habits like nail-biting or tongue thrust
  6. Never use your teeth as bottle openers or scissors!

Follow these tips and you won’t have dental problems in future.

Another important that can save you from expensive dental treatment on avoidable problems is regular dental checkups and teeth cleaning. At Solihull Dental Centre and Implant Clinic, we believe in preventing dental problems before they occur.

That is why emphasize greatly on the importance of regular dental checkups and teeth cleanings. If you wish to enjoy a perfect set of teeth and healthy, beautiful smile, then Solihull Dental Centre and Implant Dentistry should be your first choice. So, book a consultation appointment today and let us take care of your family’s dental health.

What Will An Emergency Dentist Do?

what does an emergency dentist do

Most dental practices provide dental services during business hours. However, have you ever wondered what you would do if you had a dental injury or sudden toothache in the middle of the night? More importantly, where to go in case you have an emergency during lockdown

Emergency dentists are dental professionals who are trained in treating different types of dental emergencies. Since dental emergencies, like other types of emergency situations, can arise anytime, and anywhere, emergency dentists provide their services round the clock, seven days a week.

Whether it is a cracked tooth, bleeding due to an injury, or wisdom tooth pain, your emergency dentist during COVID-19 lockdown can take care of all your dental problems. 

Tooth Abscess Stages

According to the National Health Service (NHS), A tooth abscess refers to collecting pus inside the tooth, the gums, or the bone that supports the teeth. Dental abscesses form due to the penetration of bacteria inside the teeth or gums, leading to inflammation. 

A dental abscess develops over the course of various stages. Initially, white spots form on teeth that have become weakened due to the metabolic activity of the harmful bacteria present inside the plaque and tartar deposits. These white spots indicate the weakening of the outer enamel layer of the tooth. 

With time, these white spots turn into small holes through which the bacteria can penetrate the deeper layers of the tooth – the dentin and the enamel – which contain the nerves and blood vessels. Once the bacteria enter these sensitive layers of the tooth, they release toxins which lead to inflammation inside the pulp tissue and causing pressure buildup within the tooth. 

This is when the tooth starts to hurt badly. Initially, the pain may go away after taking pain medications. However, as the inflammation progresses, pain medications become ineffective, indicating that the pulp tissue has become irreversibly infected. At this stage, your emergency dentist during coronavirus pandemic may have to perform a root canal procedure to remove the inflamed pulp and relieve the pain. 

What To Do If A Dental Abscess Bursts On Its Own?

A dental abscess around the soft tissues typically manifests in the form of gum swelling. As the inflammation progresses, the swelling and the pain also increases. If you see any swelling around your gums, you should visit your dentist immediately as dental abscesses are a sensitive issue. 

However, if you are unable to see an emergency dentist during COVID-19 and the abscess bursts on its own, then there are few steps that you should take:

  • Rinse with Salt Water – if an abscess bursts on its own, you will feel immediate pain relief, followed by a bad taste in your mouth. When this happens, rinse your mouth with salt water for two minutes. This ensures that the bacteria in the region are neutralised and also promotes faster healing. You may repeat this activity after every hour until you can visit your emergency dentist during coronavirus. 
  • Mouthwash – you may also use mouthwash to kill the bacteria and prevent the infection from spreading. 
  • Use an Ice bag – placing an icebag over the face where the abscess has burst can minimise the inflammation and bleeding. 

Symptoms Of Tooth Infection Spreading To Body?

If an abscessed tooth is not treated timely, the infection could spread to other parts of the body. When the inflammation enters the soft tissues, this condition is called cellulitis and can be potentially life-threatening if not treated promptly. Symptoms that indicate the spread of abscess inflammation elsewhere in the body include:

  • Facial swelling causing bilateral asymmetry.
  • Fatigue, restlessness, and confusion
  • Increased heart rate and breathing. 
  • High-grade fever – often exceeding 39 ℃.
  • Dehydration – decreased frequency of urination and change in colour of urine. 
  • Difficult or painful swallowing – due to the swelling.  

When To Go To The Dentist For Tooth Pain?

Toothaches can occur for a variety of reasons. Many situations causing tooth pain are not severe and do not require visiting an emergency dentist. However, there are certain situations in which a toothache may indicate a serious condition which must be treated without delay. Here are some cases involving dental pain which demand immediate treatment by an emergency dentist during lockdown.

  • Something Stuck Between two Teeth – if something is stuck between your teeth, it can cause significant pain and discomfort – even bleeding. Before calling your emergency dentist, first, try to remove the foreign object by swishing with water. You may also gently use dental floss to remove the stuck item. If these measures as not successful, then you should visit your emergency dentist for treatment. 
  • Dental Abscess or Swelling – if you feel that an abscess or any other swelling is growing in size, and you are experiencing symptoms that the inflammation is spreading to other body parts such as fever, pain lethargy and lightheadedness, then you should visit your dentist immediately.  
  • Broken Tooth – a chipped or broken tooth can hurt very bad, especially if the underlying dentin and pulp layers are exposed. If you feel that you have a broken tooth, you should immediately visit your dentist, even if it is not aching yet. This is because the sooner you go to your dentist, the higher are the chances that your dentist can save the tooth – and prevent subsequent pain or inflammation. 
  • Dental Injury – you should visit your dentist immediately in case of toothache caused by an accidental injury to the teeth or the face. 

Finding an emergency dentist during coronavirus is quite difficult. If you’re looking for an emergency dentist in Birmingham, then you have come to the right place.  

Whether it is an abscess, severe pain or any other type of dental emergency, we offer rapid treatmen. For the convenience of our patients, we are also open during the COVID-19 lockdown. If you feel that you have a dental emergency, simply visit here and follow the instructions to book an emergency appointment. We will take care of the rest. 

Dentists near me for nervous patients

Dentist near me for nervous patients

Dental anxiety and fear are quite common concerns when visiting the dentist, hence the reason people search for the phrase ‘dentist near me for nervous patients’, this is quite understandable!

So, to help, we’ve researched some of the most common questions that people ask when they are nervous about visiting the dentist.

Do dentists hate to see anxious patients?

No, we don’t hate seeing anxious patients at all. We absolutely understand that it can often be quite disconcerting going to the dentist. Panic attacks and actual dental phobia unfortunately relatively rare.

What’s important is to let your dentist know that you are anxious, That way we can look for ways to help you know you are in safe hands and to help you overcome any physical symptoms of your anxiety.

The fight or flight response can be quite strong when we are put under stressful situations, communicating with us PRIOR to your appointment means we can understand what triggers any anxiety disorder and help avoid any trigger situation.

How can people overcome fear of going to the dentist?

A few simple tips are as follows:

  • Book an appointment in the morning, this will ensure you can relax for the rest of the day as your appointment will be over.
  • For regular appointments, make sure you have a good breakfast. This will set you up for the day and ensure your energy levels remain high.
  • Lay off the alcohol! Not only does it dehydrate you but it can also make you worry.
  • Bring a friend. Decide before hand on what you are going to talk about, make it subjects that relax you and keep you calm. Perhaps discuss a recent holiday, or where you are going next time.
  • Recognise that you have an inner voice talking to you (we all have this) and that this inner voice can actually be controlled.
  • Talk openly to us. We will NOT judge you or tell you off for not coming to see us… honestly
  • Agree a stop signal with us, this will ensure that (like you inner voice technique) YOU are in control

It’s an incredibly important that you to visit the dentist regularly, to keep your dental health in tiptop condition and also ensure that you have routine oral cancer checks.

Is it normal that I’m scared of dentists judging my teeth?

It is quite a common misconception that dentists will judge your teeth. We absolutely will not. Our role is to investigate and report on anything clinically that we see. If we see a problem with your teeth we will let you know, based on the clinical evidence presented before us.

NEVER will we judge your teeth or anything about you. We may give you advice to get the best dental treatment to help you, but this is always done in a non-judgemental factual way.

What are my options if I’m terrified of the dentist?

There are a few options to help with anxiety or panic disorder at the dentist, we always recommend going with the least invasive option to begin with, in ascending order these are:

  1. Talk to your dentist, be open and honest, follow our advice above and relax knowing that we have your best interests at heart.
  2. Ask your dentist for oral sedation prior to visiting, a simple tablet can help you relax.
  3. Relative analgesia could also be used, this is laughing gas, it is self-administered at the dentist and can help you relax deeply. Not all practices offer relative analgesia.
  4. Conscious sedation via intravenous injection. This is often known as twilight sedation, you will be conscious but so deeply relaxed that you will have no recollection of your treatment at all. Many patients opt for this type of sedation when having treatments such as dental implants.

Why are most little kids afraid of dentists?

The honest truth is that children learn to feel nervous! Most commonly kids learn the behaviour from parents. Modern dentistry can be made extremely comfortable for adults and children alike and people are often surprised that it is completely pain-free most of the time.

Unfortunately people don’t often realise this and accidentally pass on dental anxieties to their kids.

One of the best ways to overcome this is to bring children to the dentist at a very early age, allow them to sit on your lap in the dental chair at the beginning, progressing to them sitting alone on the chair and just enjoying the ride as it goes up and down. As they progress into toddlers we can then begin to look in their mouth in a very gentle way.

How many adults have fears of going to the dentist?

In the United States up to 75% of people have some form of dental anxiety, according to the Journal of The American Dental Association. In addition to this approximately 20% of those people have a diagnosis of an anxiety disorder or phobia.

Oddly, in the UK these figures seem to be much lower:

  • One in every seven adults who has ever been to a dentist suffers from extreme dental anxiety
  • The most common fears for visiting a dentist are having a tooth drilled (30%) and having a local anaesthetic injection (28%)
  • Visiting the Dentist is ranked number one (22%) for making people nervous, closely followed by heights (19%). Nearly 10 times as many people (22%) are nervous of visiting their dentists, compared to their doctor (2%)

Figures quoted via The British Dental Association.

Why is Dentistry so Expensive in the UK

Why is dentistry so expensiveWhy is dentistry so expensive?

We often get asked this question by friends as well as patients and so we thought it would be a good idea  to write a blog post which highlights the costs involved in dentistry and why it may sometimes seem expensive.

The first thing that is important to point out is that dentistry is NOT expensive,  it is NEGLECT which it is expensive!

If you manage to look after your teeth from a young age, maintaining your dental health to a higher level you should find (assuming you have no congenital reason for any problems) that your teeth and gums remain healthy your entire life.

The advent of dental health and maintenance plans such as Denplan have made dentistry far more accessible with monthly payments as low as £14 per month (Less than the price of a cup of coffee per day), meaning that dental health checks and hygiene appointments  often cost less  than a mobile phone contract…  Something which many people are happy to pay.

Let’s look at some of the costs involved in dentistry.

1. Advanced training.

Did you know that all dentists must carry out at least 250 hours of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) every five years, with other dental professionals obligated to carry out 150 hours of CPD?

The General Dental Council recommend a variety of topics:

Those topics are:

  • Medical Emergencies
  • Disinfection and Decontamination
  • Radiography and radiation protection
  • Legal and ethical issues
  • Complaints handling
  • Oral Cancer: Early detection
  • Safeguarding children and young people
  • Safeguarding vulnerable adults

Carrying out this continuing professional development  ensures you have the most highly qualified and trained dental team looking after your dental health. If you want to know which causes your dental team have undertaken please ask to see them, many practices may also displayed clearly on the walls in the patient waiting areas.

2. Holistic dentistry

Dentistry of old was simply focused at looking after your teeth, we now know that bacteria which are involved in dental disease such as gingivitis and periodontitis are also involved in other health conditions such as diabetes and problems with your heart.

It also used to be the case that the dentist would look after each individual tooth as a problem arose. If there was decay in the tooth it would be filled or if the tooth needed to be removed it would be extracted. Modern thinking, materials and training now allows a forward thinking dentist to take into account your entire dentition whenever a single tooth is treated.

Teeth should not be treated in isolation and the complete oral system should always be taken into account including teeth, gums, the bite and oral cancer screening.

3. Using the best materials

A quick and easy way to make dentistry cheaper would be to cut back on materials and used cheap imports. In the UK we are required to use CE marked products.  This guarantees their quality and ensures that everything is traceable and trackable in the event of any future problem.

4. Using the best dental laboratory

Dental laboratory

If you are required to undergo any form of restorative treatment such as dental veneers, crowns, dentures or dental implants it is more than likely that the dental laboratory will be involved. It is possible to purchase dental crowns from overseas laboratories for as low as £15, however this means there is little control over the quality of the restoration all the materials used.

More information about the dangers of using a cheap dental laboratory.

High-quality dental laboratories, understandably, charge a higher fee for producing these restorations which are not only look great  but will last for many years. Using quality craftsmen will always come at a higher cost which ultimately will be passed onto the patient.

5. Cross infection and sterilisation control

In the UK dentists are required by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) to run strict cross infection control measures. This very often includes a separate cross infection control area  from the main surgery in the dental practice.. Complying with these controls is absolutely the right thing to do  but having these separate areas and  advanced cross infection control equipment  clearly comes with additional cost.

How to Get Cheap Dentistry

The simplest answer to keep dentistry cheap is to look after your teeth. Brushing your teeth twice per day for 2 minutes each time, using an interdental brush or floss daily and mouthwash  in between brushing and after meals is the best way to keep your dental costs down.

If you enrolled on a dental maintenance plan (typically starting at around £14 per month) this will ensure you have regular dental health checkups and deep cleaning with your dentist/hygienist, coupling this with your excellent home oral health care routine will mean your dentistry costs are considerably lower.

Always remember…

Dentistry isn’t expensive, neglect is.


Solihull Dental Centre and Implant Clinic are a family dental practice situated in the heart of the Midlands helping the local people maintain bright and healthy smiles.

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